Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

            Rainy days at home were almost always gloomy. The water would flood the streets causing everyone walking to and from school to have soggy jeans and wet feet.  It usually caused people to miss school the next day from various illnesses.  Unfortunately, it had been raining all through out the last week. My neighbor and best friend, who lacked enough common sense to bring an umbrella, had been sick for the last few days.  Leaving me to walk home from school alone. An activity that I dreaded.
            The day had been long and strenuous. A full day of classes plus a two-hour play rehearsal.  Not wanting to walk out into the rain I sat at the window watching the raindrops fall down the glass. Alone in the classroom, I was enjoying the sound of light pitter-patter on the windowpane.  Outside looked like a grey and dismal blob. Out of the blob came a figure running towards the school. As the blob came closer I came to the realization that it was a person. And that person burst into the classroom.
“Hey, you’re late, rehearsal ended half an hour ago,” I said as I turned to look at him. He looked frazzled and his hair was a complete mess from being out in the rain. His brown curls hung limply over his eyes while his clothes were plastered to his body. It was like someone tried to drown him.  He emitted the feeling of misery and exhaustion.
shall we dance ink.jp2“You really shouldn’t have come in.
You are sick as a dog. And being in the rain
won’t help you at all. You should have at least
used an umbrella,” I scolded him.
“You don’t have to nag… I’ve just missed all the dance
“I could teach you.”
            His hands were cold from being out in the rain.
 I blushed furiously as he took hold of my waist bringing
us into very close proximity. My heart began to race when I
looked up and saw how close he was. He began the step
cautiously and I slowly started counting the steps. The rhythm
of the raindrops seemed to combine with my counting.
            I could not get my self to look up at his face while we
danced slowly and awkwardly. I looked everywhere but there.
Over to the side. Down at our feet.  When I did manage to look
at his face, it was a picture of concentration. It was if I could
see the cogs turning slowly as he took each step.  His brow
furrowed as he looked down at our feet.  I smiled and tried to keep my
laughter from bubbling out of me.
“You want to try with the music now?” I said stifling a giggle.
“Nah, I think I got it now.” Our steps slowed to a stop and we dropped our hands.  “Are you sure?” I looked up at him with a questioning look.  “You know you are dancing tomorrow. Right?” He shrugged his shoulders and brushed a damp curl from his face.  I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes.
shall we dance ink.jpeg
“Come on one more time won’t hurt you.”  I started the music. “After all you did run all the way here in the rain.” 
He resumed the waltz position reluctantly but as I placed
 my hands on him he took the lead. Surprised by his sudden
confidence I stumbled, falling closer into him. The rest of the
dance was nearly flawless; the movements were flowing and
smooth. I was swept into a whirlwind of movement. I felt the rest
of the world disappear around me.  It was like I was Cinderella
at the ball and I was dancing with the prince.  The song ended
too quickly and too soon. I wish it could have gone on
forever.  But it had to end and we released from each
other’s embrace to curtsy and bow.
“See I told you I got it. Wanna head home
before the janitor kicks us out?” he said as he rose from his bow.
I nodded dumbly still in shock from the whole experience.  We walked out of the classroom together at stood at the two glass double doors at the entrance of the school. To my dismay it was still raining and the sun was setting. 
“You coming?” He said opening the door. “Come on! You aren’t going melt!”
 I stepped out into the rain hesitantly.  I cursed the fact that I had lost my umbrella that morning under my breath. The raindrops were cold and the wind just made it worse.  I felt miserable.
“So why were you still at the school?” he asked nonchalantly.
“I didn’t want to walk home in the rain…I was… delaying it.”
“You walk home in the rain all the time with me, it never bothered you before.” He shrugged. We were both soaked by this time and we still had a few blocks to walk.  We chatted about various subjects as we walked home. I seemed to forget how cold, wet and miserable it was outside as we talked.   As we approached my house he took my hand and we waltzed to my driveway.  I curtsied in an imaginary skirt and ran to my door.  As I opened my front door I yelled out to him “DON’T FORGET AN UMBRELLA FOR TOMORROW!” He waved backed in a way that could only mean “yeah, yeah I got it. You don’t have to tell me again” I smiled to myself as I watched him walk away in the rain. 
I find it rains as much here as I did back home. And I still dread the thought of walking in it. Though I find myself remembering that rainy afternoon when I walk in the rain and it doesn’t seem to bother me as much.