Monday, August 30, 2010

Please Ingore the Lowly Oboeist in the Corner for She Knows Not How To Socialize

'ello There,

Loneliness... ah I know the word well.  I have just arrived to a new precipice of life: college. It has been my first few days and I have discovered that I am socially inept. I seem to have a hard time actually making friends or even conversation with people I don't know. I am finding myself walking campus alone, eating alone, and sitting in my dorm room...alone. So I turn to the internet is search for some comfort from the time by myself. For I spend far too much time practicing and far to less time socializing.
Maybe my social skills are lacking because I spend way to much time with my instrument. Maybe I should get out some time but by the time I figure what to do and where to go I manage to persuade myself not to go. For the one thing I am great at is making elaborate plans and never executing them. Like this one time I had planned out this elaborate plan to run away to New York City, just like the children in the book, The Mixed Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler. I had planned to use the savings from my extra lunch money to catch a bus to the city and hide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Now I can't remember all the details but at the time I had them written all out in this little notebook of mine. I would plan and plan and plan making sure that everything would go smoothly. But on the day I planned to go I decided against it. So much for that. I shall now go and attempt to be social.

Mack G

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