Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is the Laundry Room Comfy?

Oh I am so sleep deprived that writing here seems to be a good idea at the moment.

Getting kicked out of your dorm room at 10:00 at night is not the most comfortable experience. For starters you are tired from a long day of classes finished off by a exciting night at anime club. You have an eight am class tomorrow, which you have a test in.  It is also the last week of classes before finals so you are stressed as heck. You leave the room with your laptop, math notebook, and hand held gaming system in your bag.  You try to think of a quite place that you can stay for the night. The laundry room in the basement is usually silent as this time of the night. You settle own in the back of the room and set up your laptop. Pulling up the paper due for English tomorrow morning. You open your notebooks to study but look at the notes with disgust as you are in no mood to study.  All you want at this moment is you bed and a good few hours of sleep. Unfortunately you have no such luxury.  You sit back at stare at the computer screen. The curser blinks at you waiting for words to be written upon it. Sliding back in your seat trying to get comfortable you close your eyes and attempt to catch forty winks. Maybe you will go up in another hour or so but as of now you are bushed. You lids are heavy and your contacts sting your eyes.  You pull up some video on your itunes in hope to kill some time… Unfortunately time does not move fast enough. You slump back in the hard plastic chair in an attempt to get comfortable. Unfortunately, it is not, so you relocate to the floor. The concrete is cold and miserable just like you are. You look at the time, 2:00 am. Maybe you should head up and go to sleep on an actual bed. You head to the elevator and push the button. It doesn't light up. You push it again. You pray that it lights up, for you have no desire to walk up  four flights of stairs. It doesn't light yet again. You push the button repeatedly in hopes to get it to work. By the time you are pounding into that broken button, the elevator arrives. You step inside the tiny metal box. It brings you to you floor. It is dead quite. Everyone is probably sleeping like you wish to be. You get to your room, put your head to the door. It seems quiet enough. You slide you key in and gently push the door open. Peaking inside you see you what you got kicked out for sleeping sounding in your roommate's bed. You tiptoe quietly to your bed and climb in. You beg that sleep will claim you quickly. Fortunately, it does.

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