Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is the Laundry Room Comfy?

Oh I am so sleep deprived that writing here seems to be a good idea at the moment.

Getting kicked out of your dorm room at 10:00 at night is not the most comfortable experience. For starters you are tired from a long day of classes finished off by a exciting night at anime club. You have an eight am class tomorrow, which you have a test in.  It is also the last week of classes before finals so you are stressed as heck. You leave the room with your laptop, math notebook, and hand held gaming system in your bag.  You try to think of a quite place that you can stay for the night. The laundry room in the basement is usually silent as this time of the night. You settle own in the back of the room and set up your laptop. Pulling up the paper due for English tomorrow morning. You open your notebooks to study but look at the notes with disgust as you are in no mood to study.  All you want at this moment is you bed and a good few hours of sleep. Unfortunately you have no such luxury.  You sit back at stare at the computer screen. The curser blinks at you waiting for words to be written upon it. Sliding back in your seat trying to get comfortable you close your eyes and attempt to catch forty winks. Maybe you will go up in another hour or so but as of now you are bushed. You lids are heavy and your contacts sting your eyes.  You pull up some video on your itunes in hope to kill some time… Unfortunately time does not move fast enough. You slump back in the hard plastic chair in an attempt to get comfortable. Unfortunately, it is not, so you relocate to the floor. The concrete is cold and miserable just like you are. You look at the time, 2:00 am. Maybe you should head up and go to sleep on an actual bed. You head to the elevator and push the button. It doesn't light up. You push it again. You pray that it lights up, for you have no desire to walk up  four flights of stairs. It doesn't light yet again. You push the button repeatedly in hopes to get it to work. By the time you are pounding into that broken button, the elevator arrives. You step inside the tiny metal box. It brings you to you floor. It is dead quite. Everyone is probably sleeping like you wish to be. You get to your room, put your head to the door. It seems quiet enough. You slide you key in and gently push the door open. Peaking inside you see you what you got kicked out for sleeping sounding in your roommate's bed. You tiptoe quietly to your bed and climb in. You beg that sleep will claim you quickly. Fortunately, it does.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

            Rainy days at home were almost always gloomy. The water would flood the streets causing everyone walking to and from school to have soggy jeans and wet feet.  It usually caused people to miss school the next day from various illnesses.  Unfortunately, it had been raining all through out the last week. My neighbor and best friend, who lacked enough common sense to bring an umbrella, had been sick for the last few days.  Leaving me to walk home from school alone. An activity that I dreaded.
            The day had been long and strenuous. A full day of classes plus a two-hour play rehearsal.  Not wanting to walk out into the rain I sat at the window watching the raindrops fall down the glass. Alone in the classroom, I was enjoying the sound of light pitter-patter on the windowpane.  Outside looked like a grey and dismal blob. Out of the blob came a figure running towards the school. As the blob came closer I came to the realization that it was a person. And that person burst into the classroom.
“Hey, you’re late, rehearsal ended half an hour ago,” I said as I turned to look at him. He looked frazzled and his hair was a complete mess from being out in the rain. His brown curls hung limply over his eyes while his clothes were plastered to his body. It was like someone tried to drown him.  He emitted the feeling of misery and exhaustion.
shall we dance ink.jp2“You really shouldn’t have come in.
You are sick as a dog. And being in the rain
won’t help you at all. You should have at least
used an umbrella,” I scolded him.
“You don’t have to nag… I’ve just missed all the dance
“I could teach you.”
            His hands were cold from being out in the rain.
 I blushed furiously as he took hold of my waist bringing
us into very close proximity. My heart began to race when I
looked up and saw how close he was. He began the step
cautiously and I slowly started counting the steps. The rhythm
of the raindrops seemed to combine with my counting.
            I could not get my self to look up at his face while we
danced slowly and awkwardly. I looked everywhere but there.
Over to the side. Down at our feet.  When I did manage to look
at his face, it was a picture of concentration. It was if I could
see the cogs turning slowly as he took each step.  His brow
furrowed as he looked down at our feet.  I smiled and tried to keep my
laughter from bubbling out of me.
“You want to try with the music now?” I said stifling a giggle.
“Nah, I think I got it now.” Our steps slowed to a stop and we dropped our hands.  “Are you sure?” I looked up at him with a questioning look.  “You know you are dancing tomorrow. Right?” He shrugged his shoulders and brushed a damp curl from his face.  I sighed in annoyance and rolled my eyes.
shall we dance ink.jpeg
“Come on one more time won’t hurt you.”  I started the music. “After all you did run all the way here in the rain.” 
He resumed the waltz position reluctantly but as I placed
 my hands on him he took the lead. Surprised by his sudden
confidence I stumbled, falling closer into him. The rest of the
dance was nearly flawless; the movements were flowing and
smooth. I was swept into a whirlwind of movement. I felt the rest
of the world disappear around me.  It was like I was Cinderella
at the ball and I was dancing with the prince.  The song ended
too quickly and too soon. I wish it could have gone on
forever.  But it had to end and we released from each
other’s embrace to curtsy and bow.
“See I told you I got it. Wanna head home
before the janitor kicks us out?” he said as he rose from his bow.
I nodded dumbly still in shock from the whole experience.  We walked out of the classroom together at stood at the two glass double doors at the entrance of the school. To my dismay it was still raining and the sun was setting. 
“You coming?” He said opening the door. “Come on! You aren’t going melt!”
 I stepped out into the rain hesitantly.  I cursed the fact that I had lost my umbrella that morning under my breath. The raindrops were cold and the wind just made it worse.  I felt miserable.
“So why were you still at the school?” he asked nonchalantly.
“I didn’t want to walk home in the rain…I was… delaying it.”
“You walk home in the rain all the time with me, it never bothered you before.” He shrugged. We were both soaked by this time and we still had a few blocks to walk.  We chatted about various subjects as we walked home. I seemed to forget how cold, wet and miserable it was outside as we talked.   As we approached my house he took my hand and we waltzed to my driveway.  I curtsied in an imaginary skirt and ran to my door.  As I opened my front door I yelled out to him “DON’T FORGET AN UMBRELLA FOR TOMORROW!” He waved backed in a way that could only mean “yeah, yeah I got it. You don’t have to tell me again” I smiled to myself as I watched him walk away in the rain. 
I find it rains as much here as I did back home. And I still dread the thought of walking in it. Though I find myself remembering that rainy afternoon when I walk in the rain and it doesn’t seem to bother me as much.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Snapshots Of My Life

Some Snippets of what my everyday life is like. There are some of my own artwork in here as well as some snapshots taken with my digital camera. These pictures fall into three categories of my college life: Music, Social Life, My Quirkiness.
The Torment of Aurals Class
Warning: Music Nerd
How I am able to play
There is no such happiness as a Steinway!
What!? I have to make these! does that go again?
I seem to spend all my time here...
Forgive me for I do not know how to socialize
Table for 1
Do I stand out?
Is this Wonderland?
This is where my sanity is kept
Nah... I don't think there are enough pictures
BUTTONS!!!(read them)
MORE BUTTONS! (and no I don't have enough)
So what I am lazy...
Ah my friends.... At least I am not talking to myself any more
 Sushi... It's Fresh!
This is as much as you are going to see of me
My mind has left the vacinity

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


College is a topic that have posted about recently. And the word that I most commonly associate it with is loneliness. For me, college has been all work and no socializing. I have been so focused on getting better at what I do, that i have forgotten to make friends. My existence here is a lonely one. I may surround myself with the sounds of music and the images of art but I have been solitary in all ways. I haven't really done any group activity that wasn't required by a class. My social skill here has dropped considerably. I though college would be a place that I could be myself, anyone I wanted to be. The truth is that(or at least I think) I found that I don't like who I am. I am quiet and reclusive. When I talk, I tend to talk too much, too loudly, and too much about myself. I can see why I don't hang out with people. I am afraid that people will see me.  The me that is imperfect and has flaws. I feel that I can't even really be my dorkyself, my nerdy self, my dweeby self. I think I need to come out of my shell and start talking. Forgetting myself consciousness. I need to attempt to be social, and get out there. Now I must go back to English class and talk, one of the only places I do talk.(Other than to myself)

Mack G

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Silent Obsession-the graphic novel

Out of bordum I have decided to make my weird little essay that I wrote into a short graphic novel. It will end up being a sketch comic unless I take some initiative and effort to actually finalize it. I will be posting the pages every now and then so continue to keep checking if there is actually anyone out there reading this blog. Even if I am sending this out into cyberspace with the chances of no one reading this I find it comforting to get it out there. I'd rather not bottle it up.... SO I will be posting soon!

Ta Ta For Now!
Mack G

Friday, September 24, 2010

Some Digital Artwork

I am bored this lovely Friday evening so I'd though I'd post some Digital artwork of mine.... I drew each one of these with a pencil then scanned in. I color them on GIMP.
Well I have got nothing else to say. Till next Time!
Mack G

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why Can't I Socialize!!!

I have found college life to pretty lonely outside the classroom setting. I just can't seem to be able to speak to anyone. I feel like an impostor here. How the hell did I get in here? What the heck am I doing here?! I am still surprised that I got accepted here. It boggles my mind that a school that is in the ranks of like Juliard would let a little loser nobody in like me. Not joining Marching Band was definitely the worst decision I have made. It has thrown me out of the social loop with all the music freshman. What Possessed me not to join. I love marching band with a passion! What the heck is wrong with me?! I feel like the new kid that has moved in halfway through the school year.  It has put all the social progression that I had made within the last four cease to exist.  I used to be able to talk to anybody and get along fine. Nowadays, I find it hard to find words to start a conversation. I believe I have reverted back to being that person that would help you with anything. A door mat.
It has become time for me t get a backbone and confidence but the thing is I have no idea how to go about and do it. So in mean time I will turn to you my dear friend the internet to get these thoughts out of my head and to motivate me into actually socializing. But the chances of that are slim... So I will be back soon with more tales of my lonely woe and/or/maybe the awesome geek thing that keep me alive for the moment.

Mack G

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scott Pilgrim=EPIC WIN!

Scott Pilgrim is one of the best movies of this year! I saw it at Comic Con International this year three weeks before it opened to the public. I had to wait about five hours in line but it was totally worth it!I found that the music totally suited the comic book. Which is a funny coincidence cause comic books have no sounds. The video game effects that they incorporated into the movie just made my inner nerd die in happiness. I found the movie to be insanely accurate to the first two comic books... that I happened to read while waiting in line for the movie. The first scene was identical to the comic book.  This movie has turned me into a Scott Pilgrim Fanatic...

Pipe Cleaner People

Here are the little figurines I have made to adorn my desk in my dorm room. Aren't they cute? Each is made completely out of pipe cleaners. No glue.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Silent Obsession

             When I think of that night my mind is filled with sounds. The gentle thud of the opening of the grand piano, its keys were well worn but tuned just for this occasion. I hear his soft footsteps behind me. He is dressed in a crisp blue shirt with a black tie with white music notes dancing up. He turns to me and gives me his happy-go-lucky smile, his still- water eyes sparkling with excitement. My heart leaps out, it hammers so hard, that I barely hear him as he asks me “You ready?” I nod dumbly as if I had lost the ability to speak. I run through a mental checklist in my head, seeing if I have forgotten anything. Music? Check. Adjusted the bench? Check. Glasses? Check.
My nerves are out of control. My mind is running marathons and my fingers twitch nervously. I scold and remind myself that tonight is about him. Him and his silver trumpet, him with the auburn curls and still-water eyes. My purpose here today is to make him shine. It is my duty as his accompanist to make his solo shine as brightly as he does. I hear the stagehands click on the spotlights. They glow ominously from underneath the curtains. I hear him eagerly click his keys in anticipation. The curtain rises, temporarily blinding me with the bright lights. His curls bounce as he gives me a curt nod. My fingers press into the cool keys of the piano. The light disjointed sound of jazz chords in irregular time echo through the crowded room. Finally, the warm buttery sound of his muted trumpet starts. They create a flowing smooth melody over top over odd sounding chords. His brilliance shines brighter than I have ever seen as he plays his heart out.
I smile to myself as the song progresses. The sounds of our instruments intertwine in the most lovely of ways. I steal glances at the back of his head and my smile grows bigger. My nerves had ceased to exist as I am caught in the music. Nothing outside this existed. All I hear is our intertwined sounds; it is if my mind had left all previous thoughts behind.  It is just he and I, no one else to interfere, little brothers, girlfriends, parents, or teachers.  It is our most intimate relationship that could ever happen between us. He is my soloist and I was his accompanist. My keyboard and his trumpet. 
In real life, it was a twisted romance in my head. A one sided-relationship. Only here, this is where we came together.  This is our relationship. Outside of this we are passerby friends. I am someone to talk to, someone that would listen, someone who did not judge, the girl next door.  He is an idol, a rock-star, a Beatles fanatic, a true musician. I know every detail about him because he told me. He knows nothing about me because he never asked.  Here on stage was the relationship that would never be, my living fantasy.  I reveled in this time together, knowing there never be anything like this between us that didn’t involve our instruments.
Suddenly, I notice that our tempo slows as the song comes to a close. His last note flows like silk as once again my chords ring through the auditorium. My last chord’s sound starts to die off only to be replaced by the sound of applause. A wave of clapping and whistling over come whatever silence there may have been at the end. He bows several times, his smile is wide and triumphant, his eyes shimmering and brimming with joy.  He gives a broad gesture towards me.  I smile shyly and wave to the audience. He gestures to me again, a much smaller gesture telling my to get up. He mouths “Come up here.”  I stumble off the piano bench, trip, and fall face first onto the floor of the stage.  Embarrassment rushes over me, the audience roars with laughter. I curse the heels that I had worn that day and wish I had worn a more sensible shoe.
 To my surprise, I look up to see a hand and a smiling face.  As I reach for his hand my face turns a bright shade of scarlet and my heart skips a beat.  His hand is softer than expected. His fingertips are calloused from playing guitar but his palm is smooth and warm. His hands are not that much bigger than mine.  I think that our hand fit perfectly together as he lifts me up. Once I am standing stably, he lifts my hand over my head and brings us down to a bow.  Our hair flops over our faces as we repeat the process. When we stand up after the final bow, I look over at him. His hair looks as though he had just gotten out of bed a minute ago.  We walk together off stage, with our hand still grasped together. A few auburn locks fall impishly over his eyes.  I giggle to myself and then brush them out of his eyes.  I suddenly retract my hands and advert my eyes to the ground as if there was something entirely more interesting there.  A second wave of embarrassment washes over me.
“Way to go out with a bang? Huh?” he says unaffected.  I peak at him through my bangs. “Yeah. It’s been a crazy eight years together.” I utter quietly.
“Thanks for accompanying me. Good job,” he compliments me.
“You did a great job too. You sounded awesome….”I start to ramble about his performance, words of praise falling out of my mouth. Suddenly, I hear her voice calling his name. My heart falls as I see him perk up to her voice.  Just as he turns to leave, I call out his name.  He pauses to look at me.
“Hey…. I... I l-l-l…. I’ll see you tomorrow... you know… at graduation practice.”  I say dejectedly and force a smile. He gives me a wave and head out the door.  My heart breaks into thousands of pieces. To me it sounds like glass shattering, but I am unwilling to pick them up to put them back together. I know that my confession of my feelings will only trouble him.  I know he does not feel the same about me. He is with someone else and is happy and content with his life.  I have no right to throw a spanner in the works of his happiness. I will bear my own heavy heart, bitter jealousy and tears for seeing his smile is enough for me.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Please Ingore the Lowly Oboeist in the Corner for She Knows Not How To Socialize

'ello There,

Loneliness... ah I know the word well.  I have just arrived to a new precipice of life: college. It has been my first few days and I have discovered that I am socially inept. I seem to have a hard time actually making friends or even conversation with people I don't know. I am finding myself walking campus alone, eating alone, and sitting in my dorm room...alone. So I turn to the internet is search for some comfort from the time by myself. For I spend far too much time practicing and far to less time socializing.
Maybe my social skills are lacking because I spend way to much time with my instrument. Maybe I should get out some time but by the time I figure what to do and where to go I manage to persuade myself not to go. For the one thing I am great at is making elaborate plans and never executing them. Like this one time I had planned out this elaborate plan to run away to New York City, just like the children in the book, The Mixed Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler. I had planned to use the savings from my extra lunch money to catch a bus to the city and hide out in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Now I can't remember all the details but at the time I had them written all out in this little notebook of mine. I would plan and plan and plan making sure that everything would go smoothly. But on the day I planned to go I decided against it. So much for that. I shall now go and attempt to be social.

Mack G

Introductions of Sorts

Hello My Dear Readers (though I realize there may not be any of you yet)

Hello this word by definition is a greeting but not everyone uses hello to greet others. There are so many words such as Hi, Hey, Yo, 'sup, 'ello, g'day, Aloha, Cherrio, Konichiwa, among many others. Each of these words defines hows you present yourself and gives the person whom you are talking to insight into your life. 

For example: If you greet someone with the word "Aloha" you maybe a person who lives in Hawaii, recently came back from Hawaii or a Surfer. (None of these are concrete reasons just probable one)
Though for some people, we have an affinity with a certain culture. And because of that affinity we tend to use words from that culture to greet each other.

In the nerdverse this can lead to using greetings from tv and movies; such as "Live Long and Prosper" and "May the Force be with You" Or if you happen to be a fan of Anime you may use Japanese to greet someone "Konichiwa"

I prefer to switch it up every now and then. But by far my favorite term of greeting is "'ello". I believe that my long time love of Harry Potter and lovely city of London has influenced me so. Or just maybe I am way too lazy to actually use the "H" that traditionally begins that word.

By now I have realized that I haven't told you a single thing about myself other than my preference in greeting. Oh Dear! How rude of me not to introduce myself! I am Mack G. Nerd Extraordinaire! I welcome you to my Blog as I journey though the trials life. 

Thanks for Reading!

Mack G

p.s. 'ello!